I was recently asked about festivals in Sweden and Norway and looked for a list without success. So I started one, and have had some input from friends. I am posting it here, and would welcome contributions from anyone with relevant information or corrections to share. I have included Denmark, Finland, and the USA.
- Umeå festival folk music February 26-28, 2016, http://umefolk.umeafolkmusik.se or https://www.facebook.com/umefolk/
- http://ransatersstamman.se is in June, Ransätersstämman, June 9-12, 2016
- http://www.folkmusikenshus.se/bingsjo/program.html for Bingsjöstämman, 1 July, 2016
- http://www.spelmanslaget.nu/norrlandia/ Norrlandia Camp, July 23 – 29, 2016 and every third year, Hälsingland
- http://www.korrofestivalen.se/artister-2016/ July 25-31, 2016 this year, awesome lineup
- Polskmärkes – uppdansning medal testing program for Swedish polska, the first weekend in August every year, location varies, see http://polskdans.com or https://www.facebook.com/groups/67902864466/ and my blog post about this most recent event.
- Linköping https://www.facebook.com/LkpgFolkmusikfestival and http://festival.folkmusik.nu October 7-8, 2016 likely
- Oktoberstämman https://www.facebook.com/events/534217663402387/ Saturday October 29, 2016, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
Regular information sites in Sweden:
- http://wordpress.uplandsspel.se/kalendarium/ musician information in Uppland Län
- http://www.polskedansarna.se Thursday night dance in Stockholm, Sept-April
- http://www.malparingen.se Friday night dance in Stockholm, Sept-April
- http://www.skansen.se has dances in the summer, Wednesdays
- http://www.landsfestivalen.no/ August 3-7, 2016 in Gaupne, gammaldans
- http://www.fordefestival.no/aktuelt?tag=Flight July 6-10, 2016, this year’s theme is “flight”
- Landskappleiken (the Norwegian annual national competition in traditional music and dance; lasts from Weds. afternoon to the final master concert of winners in all the different competitions and levels on Sunday). It moves around the country; this year it is in Vågå in Gudbrandsdal, 22-26 June, 2016 http://landskappleiken.custompublish.com
http://kaustinen.net/ July 7-11, 2016
- http://www.assens2016.dk/ July 25-30, 2016
- http://www.soenderho.dk/recurringuk/ Sonderho Days folk festival in July, a small local festival
- http://www.fannikerdagen.dk/ July 8-10, 2016 The festival at the other end of this island (Fanø). This is a small local festival
United States
Festivals, workshops, camps:
- Spring Springar Spree, April 29-May 1, 2016 in Takoma Park, MD featuring Hallingspringar from Norway in 2016 (http://mand.fanitull.org)
- Nordic Fiddles & Feet Camp, at Camp Ogontz in New Hampshire, June 26 – July 3, 2016 (on Facebook: Nordic Fiddles & Feet Camp) featuring dances and music from Norway and Sweden http://nordicfiddlesandfeet.org
- Hardanger Fiddle Association of America Annual Hardingfele and Dance Workshop out on the prairie near Dodgeville, Wisconsin, July 21-24, 2016, this year featuring music and dances of Setesdal, Norway (see hfaa.org)
- http://www.scandiacampmendocino.org June 11-18, 2016, Mendocino Woodlands, California
Regular groups in the USA, links
Washington, D.C. area:
- There is a monthly Scandinavian dance with teaching on the third Saturday of the month September through May, led by Ross Schipper and Linda Brooks. www.scandiadc.org
- The Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers (MAND) is a loose network of Norwegiophiles centered in the Baltimore-Washington-Frederick area, holding monthly Norwegian-style house parties with potluck and dancing, often the first or second weekend of the month. I usually play a set or two for Swedish dance on nyckelharpa, sometimes joined by Bruce on mandolin and/or Melissa on nyckelharpa. (http://mand.fanitull.org)
- A weekly teaching dance is ideal for beginners through advanced dancers, led by Lisa Brooks and Dan Kahn on Tuesdays at the NIH (National Institutes of Health in Bethesda) www.hambodc.org
- American Scandinavian Association has a listing of events.
- Nordic Dancers is a long-standing performing group doing traditional village dances and set dances from all of Scandinavia, meeting Wednesdays and open to all.
Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was looking for!